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TGD EXCLUSIVE: Pennon is live

TGD Union

We decided to reward customers who have been with us from the beginning. The Union is designed to give perks to customers throughout the year, separate to seasonal offers designed for general customers. Our intention is for it to feel like a club, we want a direct relationship with our customers and value your opinion on our direction. If their are brands you want us to stock, let us know.

The Great Divide Union

Join the Union

We are trialling the Union and have opened the invite to a select few of our top customers. We want to develop the scheme so that we understand what our customers want from it. We will open the invite quarterly throughout the year to those interested, our regular customers and people who engage with us on social media.

The Union card gives you access to:

  • Exclusive preview of new stock before they drop
  • Early access to sales by 48 hours
  • Promotion of Union customers on social media

How it works:

  • We send out your Union card with a unique code
  • This code can only be used by your account on The Great Divide store

Promoting the Union:

  • We will reward customers who show love on social media by tagging and using #TGDUnion
  • You may receive additional access, free shipping and other perks if you tag us your social media with pictures of your purchases

If you want to register interest in the Union, email us at joe@thegreat-divide.com with the subject line TGD Union. We will add you to the list and let you know if you have been selected for the next period of induction.
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    Join the TGD UNION

    The wait is over.

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